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MVP - MonaVie Values People

Getting going with MVP is as simple as following two books, one for new business builders and the other for those who have already started.

As the name suggests, the Initiate book is meant for those distributors just starting out. Initiate introduces the key activities and skills you’ll need to get your business going and growing. As you work through this first book, you’ll begin to develop skills and knowledge that will serve you throughout your career and your life.

The Revitalize book is designed for those people who have already started their business but are looking for ways to take that business to the next level. Moving your business forward requires an increase in effort—a change of speed—and may require adjustments to your goals—a change in direction. The Revitalize book helps you to identify what adjustments you need to make in order to ramp up your progress.


All of this talk about progress and change would be meaningless without a firm foundation. The MVP program introduces seven key pillars that help to effect change. These are:

COMMUNITY— Learning takes place best within a group. “MonaVie is a group of people banded together with the purpose of improving themselves and others,” states Schroeder.

TOOLS– With the right tools, achieving your goals and dreams is simplified. Of course, it’s also important to learn how to properly use those tools. The Program not only provides great tools, it also teaches you how to creatively use them.

TRAINING— A vital part of MVP is the process of learning. But takes it a step further. After all, what’s the point of learning something without applying what you’ve learned? helps you with application and then helps you to help others do the same.

MOTIVATION—MVP doesn’t rely on a pep talk to help you get motivated to change. Instead, it creates intrinsic motivation through giving you a more complete understanding of the network marketing industry. When you understand, you’re more likely to do.

CALENDAR AND EVENTS—When we gather together, we edify and build each other. Events lead to opportunity, and calendaring organizes events. In , you’ll discover just how important these two principles are.

INSPIRATION—No matter what you call it, there is an inspiring influence in your life that pushes you to find a perfect balance. With , you’ll work toward achieving a balance of Spiritual, Family, and Work.

FINANCIAL LITERACY—You’ve dreamt of improving your life and the lives of those you love, but that won’t happen until you learn to control money rather than being controlled by it.


GPS is a simple book filled with information that can help you build a successful MonaVie business. In GPS, you’ll find the following:
Pattern for Success. This section outlines 10 steps that you can follow to properly launch, build, and maintain a successful business.
Go-Getter Program. Go-Getter is for those distributors who want to step up their business efforts and really get their business growing with the Go-Getter Daily Dozen. 
GPS Nuggets. You’ll also find a section devoted to nuggets of wisdom that will help you achieve your goals.
Map Your Course
While it may be a simple concept, GPS is an incredibly powerful tool. When used correctly, you’ll be able to map a course into a future filled with success and opportunity. Are you ready to figure out where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there? Then get ready for GPS!

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